If you’re anything like me, you’ll absolutely adore driving. There’s nothing quite like cruising down the motorway with the windows down and your music blaring. Although owning a car can be a lot of fun, it’s not exactly cheap! The running costs, insurance and the vehicle itself can all be exceptionally expensive. However, there are certain things you can do to make the costs more manageable. Here are some of the easiest ways to make driving cheaper.
The first thing I’ll recommend is re-assessing what you need in the way of insurance. Some people are taken in by their company’s hard-sale tactics, and end up buying all kinds of cover which they could do without. Unless you’re running your car on the bare minimum, I suggest looking through your options with a lower premium. Even if you raise your deductible somewhat, you could end up saving a significant amount every year. If you’re driving an older model of car, then dropping some of your collision coverage could be a smart move. In the long run, even buying a newer model could reduce the amount you’re spending on insurance. Lower emissions will also shave down the road tax you have to pay.
If and when you do buy a new model, think carefully about the extras and gimmicks the dealer offers you. Sound systems, roof racks, alarms and all manner of other things will probably be dangled in front of you whenever you’re looking into a car. Sure, those Mazda car tyres might improve your fuel efficiency somewhat. However, if you want to save money on your car, you’re going to have to sacrifice some of the luxuries. All dealerships have pretty high prices for their accessories. If you get taken in by it, you could end up paying a much higher price than what’s reasonable. I know the prospect of a new car is exciting, but try to keep a cool head. Whenever you’re offered an accessory to tie on, consider how much you’d actually use it.
Finally, stick to the used market. As I’m sure you’ve heard before, the second a new car gets driven off the lot, it loses a massive portion of its value. In fact, even if you drove it around the block and never used it again, it would only fetch a standard wholesale price. Obviously, the average used car is going to be in worse condition than one that’s just come out of the factory. However, there are countless used cars on the market which run almost as well as they did when they were new. When you restrict your search to the used market, all kinds of great bargains can reveal themselves. You’ll be able to do more research on the precise model, save huge amounts on the price, and still enjoy a perfectly decent car.
Take this advice, and you’ll save a lot of money on driving in the long run. Aside from these tips, there are all kinds of little tweaks and habits you can use to make your car less of a burden.