Do you need to know about credit scores but don’t know how to go about it? Do you also feel confused as to what an excellent credit score should be? There’s no need to worry, you have come to the right place for all the right information. There are mainly three ways through which you can find your credit score. And the best thing is that all these sources do not charge anything from you.
Let us first head straight to the three most important ways to find your credit score:
1. Credit Monitoring Trials – Free credit monitoring trials offer you the opportunity to know about their services including your credit scores and reports after a successful enrollment.
2. Free Sites for credit Scores – Free specialized sites such as Quizzle, Credit Karma, and Credit Sesame provide information for your credit score.
3. Lenders – Free lending sites such as Lending Club and Prosper will provide you access to find about credit ratings in case you have applied as a borrower. You also get the option to know your credit scores at the time of applying for personal loans.
Now let’s make an effort to know some more details on the above mentioned methods designed to find your credit score –
Credit Monitoring Trials
Register yourself at creditreport.com for free. The free registration allows you to access the credit reports and credit scores. Print all that is necessary for maintaining records and inform the company about your plans to not continue any more. It’s absolutely simple. However, the cancellation should be done within the trial period in order to avoid the monthly charges. For free yearly credit reports you can also call at +1-877-322-8228. You can also request for free yearly credit reports via mail at the following address –
Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA, 30348-5281
Free Sites for Credit Scores
Reliable agencies on credit reporting like TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax give all the details on credit scores with great accuracy.
TransUnion Score (Free)
Credit Karma connects to the TransUnion score.
Experian Score (Free)
Quizzle and Credit Sesame provide access to the Experian score.
Equifax Score
At present Equifax scores does not come free of cost. However, the site GoFreeCredit.com offers a one month free trial for an idea on the Equifax scores.
At the time of taking loans from sites such as Lending Club and Prosper you get the information on your credit ratings. Similarly, at the time of applying for home loans and car loans, you can request the loan officer for your credit scores.
Now that you know how to find your credit score for free, it becomes important to solve the problem of what an excellent or good credit score is. Let’s say, if you consider a scale of 350 to 850, then any score above or equal to 680 can be considered as good.
Credit Score Range Rating Scale
The following rating scale will give you a complete idea as to what the different credit scores mean:
(Please note that the ranges are approximate and may tend to vary)
Credit Score | Description |
below 559 | Your credit score is poor. You would find it extremely difficult to obtain a loan. |
620 – 679 | Your credit score is average. You would qualify for your loan amount but would not get a decent interest rate. |
680 – 739 | Your credit score is good. You would qualify for your loan amount with a decent interest rate. |
740+ | Your credit score is excellent. You would qualify for your loan amount with the best possible interest rate. |
A Popular Myth – By checking credit reports on your own, you would make your credit score suffer.
Truth – Credit scores never get hampered if you check the credit reports.
Final Word
Make all effort to know your credit score as employers, landlords, insurance companies and banks nowadays need them to estimate your credit value.